петак, 31. јул 2015.

Building the city - step 3

In this step, we will make use of our road from city hall to houses. You have the choice to either update wood and stone production buildings or upgrade the road first. My recommendation is to do the first solution to maximize your production. After building the road, build the market as shown in picture.

On this image, I didn't upgrade my wood production (mistake), so now I have to wait. After upgrading houses immediately start hiring citizens in city hall so you have more people to work on upgrades.

NOTE! Every production building requires one additional worker on upgrade (one who is updating + one more to get inside and work after upgrade). Keep that in mind and hire more citizens as soon as you update any of the houses. 

Although it seems simple, this phase of game is critical for creating solid foundation for future development. At this moment, try to keep your energy level between 70 and 80. If you experience shortage of any resource, go to market and trade, but as I said in previous post, don't sell iron and clay.
If you liked this post, feel free to register and play. This is one of the games where you can not only improve your gameplay. You can also earn nice ammount of money. Keep up with my tutorial and have fun in the process of making money. Good luck! :)

среда, 29. јул 2015.

Building the city - step 2

After you have finished upgrading your road from vegetable farm to city hall and upgrading your vegetable farm, now is time to upgrade road from city hall to meat farm. After upgrading the road, you should upgrade the meat farm. Now, the question is: "Why, if there are already stone quary and wood production, connected to a city hall by Q2 road (which means they are upgradeable)?". The reason is following: The most important resources, for the sake of stone and wood production is meat (which requires vegetables), so we will allways upgrade them first. Now, it could seem unimportant to you, but if you don't do like this, you can run into resource shortage. Now, what do we get by upgrading those two buildings. First, we reduce our energy consumption for farming vegetables and meat and second, we maximize their production. Level 2 farms produce 35 units of meat/vegetables per 6 hours, unline level 1 buildings that produce 10 units per 3 hours.

After finishing road and meat farm upgrade, your city should look like on following picture. I will also mark you the next necessary upgrades which we will do in our next step. It can be boring, but, this is the game of patience and you don't want to mess something in first couple of steps, because later it's complicated to fix it and it can slow down your development.

IMPORTANT! If you get short of stone during this step, go to your market (in main menu on the top) and sell some meat or vegetables for it. Also remember this: never trade iron or clay for anything on market, because they are both expensive for production and cheap for sale.

In the video, last part of road upgrade was not shown, because I had no additional worker at the moment. Of course, do it as I wrote and wait for the next part of tutorial. Good luck! :)

уторак, 28. јул 2015.

Building the city - step 1

Now, when you've just started playing Goldentowns, you can see your buildings like in my picture from previous post. To start you should know the following:

  • When production building is level 1, it takes 3 hours and 1 point of energy to produce 10 units of material
  • There is six production buildings: Vegetable farm, meat farm, wood, stone, iron and clay buildings.
  • Vegetables don't require any raw material, meat requires vegetables, wood requires meat and iron and stone requires meat, wood and iron.

IMPORTANT! Don't operate iron and clay production - they cost a lot of other resources, but you don't need them right away! You will need it later for road and building upgrades.

Now, when you know the relations of those buildings, start producing vegetables, meat, wood and stone. It should take three hours to produce them, and meanwhile, upgrade road from vegetables farm to city hall as shown in picture below. It will take six hours, so just sit back and relax, this is the game of patience, especially in the beginning. :)
Of course, if you have any better idea how to start, feel free to do so, but be careful. You don't want to get into resource shortage. Balancing between resources, energy and development of town is crucial in the beginning and there is no much creativity. Later in game, you will have to be more creative in finding ways to develop.
If you liked this, follow me, register if you haven't done it so far and, if you want, watch me on Youtube.

What is Goldentowns?

It's a browser based game, which is similar to Age of Empires or Civilization by genre and very similar to popular Farmville on Facebook. The key difference is in possibility to earn real money playing it.  Earn money? Yes, you heard it, you can earn money. Well, it's not easy to go from complete beginner to a serious moneymaker, but since the game is very amusing and doesn't take much time it will be great. Especially if you loved playing Age of Empires, Farmville or Civilization. So what is it actually about? At the very beginning, right after registration, you start with your town with very basic structures already built. See this picture to get a clue what is it about.

This is your starting position and after that, you start developing your town, creating resources, upgrading buildings etc. The goal of to game (except having great fun) is to get gold, which you can exchange for real money (yes, real money). If you like it, feel free to register. Follow my tutorial on starting and developing your town. Have fun and follow me, as I will be posting new tutorials on daily basis. Good luck :)